Thursday, November 26, 2009

Travis's Nocturnal Review

Instead of writing a novel this month as I had planned, I have been screwing up my sleep patterns and consuming various media. As such, I shall introduce you to these media and give you my thoughts. You can figure out screwed up sleeping patterns as well, if you desire the complete experience.

First we have Wake, a book I recently finished by one of my favourite authors. Since everyone loves pretty pictures, I shall supply one of the cover.

Delightful. This book is the first in his new trilogy in which the internet gives rise to a sentient being. The things strike me as fascinating in this book are the same things that I have enjoyed in his past books. Every book that Sawyer writes is written in a way that integrates the speculative elements of science fiction with theories from various disciplines. Wake has two and a half pages of acknowledgements listing the sources that he draws from. Being from Mississauga, he also likes to set his stories nearby. The setting of this story in particular amuses me as it is right here in Waterloo. He meshes everything quite beautifully and even seems to write the part of a teenage blind girl quite well (which is good since she's the main character). Wake is a fantastic read and I'd highly recommend it to fans of sci-fi literature.

Keeping with the sci-fi theme, I caught Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance at the Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema.

We got the North American premiere because we're cool like that.

I'm not usually a fan of mech anime but Nick is rather good at introducing me to good ones. Of course, I was already aware that Evangelion was highly thought of and was already curious about it myself. I haven't seen the older ones but this rebuild is rather well done. While the first movie was only alright for me, the second blew me away. The story really takes off from there and draws you in. I blame metaphysics for that. The visuals are astounding as well and I enjoy the feel to the mechs (if that makes any sense at all). It's certainly worth a watch.

In the vein of anime, I have also managed to watch my way through Kujibiki Unbalance.

I bought the boxed set for the Genshiken OVAs which came along with them. If I have not made it clear in previous posts, I shall state it here: I absolutely love Genshiken. Kujibiki Unbalance is the show that the Genshiken members are always watching/manga they are always reading. I want to stress that Genshiken came first. Kujibiki Unbalance is spawned from a show about otaku.

Oh dear.

The show itself is... unique. The plot line and character designs differ from the original conceptualization seen in Genshiken but the prevailing themes are the same. As such, it is filled with blatant fanservice and crazy antics that boggle the mind. While incredibly enjoyable, it was horribly stressful and left me with the feeling that my brain was melting. I have decided that it is now my mission to expose as many people as possible to this show in the interest of shared perplexity. I'm kind of a jerk like that.

Finally, I have something entirely unconnected to my previous entries. Recently, Priestess came to Starlight and Joe and I saw fit to go see them. The band was late getting there so the door didn't open until 9, a minor inconvenience really. The opener was called Early Man and they gave off a vibe of Radiohead crossed with Audioslave. It was pretty cool.

Priestess themselves surprised me. Being only familiar with Talk to Her and Lay Down, I expected a sound akin to Wolfmother. Most of their songs were actually much harder. It was an interesting change of aesthetic but not unwelcome. They put on a killer set and I ended up leaving with a Priestess t-shirt and Early Man's CD. I certainly feel I got my money's worth, particularly since buying the tickets helped me discover a really cool record store.

That's about it. Currently the house is watching Pani Poni Dash!, so I may talk of it in the future. Otherwise, school's winding down an exams are coming up. I'm hoping to survive until Christmas. Mmm, delicious Christmas...

night - sleeping = new blog post,
Travis T

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Take Off Your Sweater, Your Shoes And Your Shirt And Get To Work

Have I mentioned that the Dear Hunter is awesome?

You should check out Smiling Swine too, though do it on good speakers or you will miss out on the fantastic layering in the song.

In recent news, I have been playing more Magic the Gathering. Nick, Joe and I hit the booster draft on Friday which was pretty great. We all had 1-3 records I played green for a change though I still played black too like I often do. Nick seems to be slightly annoyed at how lucky I keep getting. That may have something to do with me pulling another mythic rare as well as winning one of the promo Oblivion Rings in the random draw. They are so pretty, look:

Here's Nissa

And the Oblivion Ring

So shiny...

Ahem. Anyways, I have a few other things going. Priestess is coming to town of Wednesday and I intend to be there. I have two midterms this week too. Between all this I have to find a way to catch up on my NaNoWriMo word count. My story's coming along nicely, though in my attempts to try something different I'm doing some things that are hilariously horrendous. I am looking forward to the responses I get when I let everyone see it at the end. I expect quite a few complaints about the parentheses.

(Parenthetically Yours)
Travis T

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Book Is Silly

I stole this idea from Rose, who stole it from Jessica, who stole it from Trish. I'm a third generation idea thief!

So my novel's essentially a fantasy comedy called Hob. The protagonist is a goblin!

Here are my characters as I have them so far.:

A goblin who makes a not-so-great living as a junk salesman
likes- shiny things
dislikes- Gina's cooking

A banshee and Hob's fan girl.
likes- Hob
dislikes- dunno yet

Elvish Assassin
Evil Dude
likes- stabbing things
dislikes- kittens

Handsome Knight
A handsome and very talented knight who launches my story with his death
likes- being better than everyone
dislikes- being stabbed

Oracle of the Legna
Important member of the Church of the Legna
likes- the Legna
dislikes- hereretics

That's really all I have so far. Aren't my characterizations delightfully simple? I expect the cast to grow out of necessity. Yay goblins!

Goblins, goblins, goblins,
Travis T

Monday, November 2, 2009

Attention Duelists: My Hair Is Victorious!

I'm rather fond of how my Halloween turned out. I just so happened that Magic the Gathering's Zendikar Game Day coincided with it so I decided to dress up as a character from a children's card game. I couldn't find the snazzy parts for a main character though so I went as the goon from Duelist Kingdom with the giant hair spike. I think it turned out rather well. No pics unfortunately.

Game Day itself was rather fantastic. Out of the ten players that showed up, I placed a cool second. That was good for $8 in store credit in addition to the sweet promos they had. Here's the promos:

I got four of these

Each event got ten of these so everyone got one.

Full art cards are pretty...

Besides Magic, Halloween was fun. Dom and Peter Wu came down and there was a fair amount of people that came over from around town. We also opened up another box of Zendikar between six of us (back to the Magic again!) and played some sealed games with the cards we got.

Things wound down on Sunday. Mike brought his desktop over and we played some Borderlands. Unfortunately it seems to have been detrimental to my NaNoWriMo Word count. Better get to work on that!

Attention Duelists: My Hair Is Finished This Blog Post!
Travis T.