My first prerelease was absolutely delightful. I pulled a pretty nice field from black and red (though a good deal of people did that). I even managed to get my hands on this fine little number:

My matches went less than smoothly, ending with a record of 2-5-0. Still it was a fun, if exhausting, day (I slept it off for much of Sunday).
Highlights included:
-winning a match on the last turn before time by a creature steal spell
-encountering a deck that refused to die due to a combination of bounce-back abilities and a life resetting artifact
-Nick milling out Joe (and almost quite a few more people) with one of the most adorable cards ever:

In the end only Maks received a place of note, earning a couple boosters for his troubles. Zendikar is a ridiculously fun set to play and the Landfall mechanic proved very interesting. My first Magic event proved very fruitful and Nick and I are planning to hit a few Zendikar draft events for some rewards, a fancy new (and more durable) DCI card, and because Zendikar is just so much fun to play.
So that's my delightful prerelease report. Stay tuned for the next time I feel the need to share my awesomeness.
Why do I bother with these sign-offs?
Travis T